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Pianist Myrna Setiawan Amazed Audiences at The Grand Atelier & Culture Center

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

A concert by Myrna Setiawan, a pianist from Surabaya now living in the United States, stunned audiences at The Grand Atelier & Culture Center Jakarta on Saturday night, August 3, 2019. For two hours, Myrna held the audience spellbound with a virtuosic performance. In her black dress, she seemed to move as one with the magnificent Fazioli piano.

Myrna’s repertoire included works by legendary pianists such as Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Peter I. Tchaikovsky and Franz Liszt. Her playing neither lacked in passion nor power, engaging listeners with her energy. In part, her musicality can be attributed to the distinct performance setting– “It’s wonderful to be able to play a Fazioli insuch a beautiful place," Myrna said.

Since the tender age of five, Myrna, then living in Indonesia, learnt to play the piano with her first teacher, Aylisia Jusuf. At the age of 11, she debuted on the international stage at the Yamaha Junior Concert in Japan in 1981, then subsequently received her first scholarship at the RD Colburn School of Music and Performing Arts, Los Angeles at 16. She went on to secure a full scholarship for her Bachelors in Music, Masters in Music and Doctorate in Music and Art from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Known widely throughout the United States as an accomplished pianist, Myrna has accumulated achievements both in the form of awards and in her number of concerts, both solo and orchestral. Her concert last weekend held the audience of the exclusive concert captive with its vibrance. One of her audience members happened to be Nuraini Sukoningrum Tamam, better known as Nina Tamam, singer and former member of the vocal group Warna.

"The concert tonight was incredible, truly extraordinary, her sound and playing were second to none. I could never have imagined the length of two hours to be so perfect,” said Nina Tamam.

This classical music concert was held by The Grand Signature Piano, a premium piano dealer that markets pianos exclusively for the brands Fazioli, Bluthner, Estonia and Irmler in Indonesia. According to The Grand Signature Piano’s Executive Director Helen Gumanti, Myrna’s concert was one of a series of classical music concerts that are routinely held at The Grand Atelier & Culture Center Jakarta.


Sebuah konser oleh Myrna Setiawan, pianis asal Surabaya yang kini tinggal di Amerika Serikat berhasil memukau penonton di The Grand Atelier & Culture Center Jakarta pada Sabtu malam, 3 Agustus 2019.

Dalam balutan gaun hitam, Myrna tampak menyatu dengan piano Fazioli yang megah. Selama dua jam, Myrna memuaskan dahaga penonton dengan menyuguhkan permainan musik yang mengandalkan virtualitas dan musikalitas tinggi.

Myrna membawakan karya-karya pianis legendaris seperti Schubert, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky dan Liszt secara apik dan bertenaga. Penampilannya yang energik dan penuh gairah membuat penonton takjub. "Sangat menyenangkan bisa bermain dengan Fazioli di tempat yang cantik," tutur Myrna.

Myrna merupakan musisi yang sudah bermain piano sejak usia lima tahun. Sebagai seorang pianis, namanya dikenal luas oleh publik di Amerika Serikat. Hal itu sejalan dengan pencapaian Myrna di bidang musik dalam wujud penghargaan-penghargaan dan sejumlah konser solo maupun orkestra.

Sajian permainan musik Myrna akhir pekan lalu mampu menghipnotis penonton yang menghadiri konser eksklusif tersebut. Salah satunya adalah Nuraini Sukoningrum Tamam atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Nina Tamam, penyanyi dan mantan personel grup vokal Warna.

"Konser malam ini luar biasa, asli luar biasa, suaranya dan permainannya luar biasa, ga ada duanya. Aku ga kebayang dua jam begitu lama dan sempurna. It's so perfect," kata Nina Tamam.

Konser musik klasik ini digelar oleh The Grand Signature Piano yang merupakan dealer piano premium yang memasarkan secara eksklusif piano dengan merek Fazioli, Bluthner, Estonia dan Irmler di Indonesia.

Executive Director The Grand Signature Piano Helen Gumanti mengatakan, konser Myrna merupakan satu dari rangkaian konser musik klasik yang rutin dihelat di The Grand Atelier & Culture Center Jakarta.

"Myrna merupakan sosok pianis yang dapat dijadikan acuan akan sebuah pencapaian oleh pianis-pianis muda Indonesia," kata Helen.

Setelah konser Myrna, The Grand Signature Piano akan menggelar konser piano resital Stephanie Onggowinoto pada tanggal 10-11 Agustus 2019. Konser lainnya akan menyusul pada 27 Agustus 2019 yang menyajikan duet Imma Setiadi dan Nigel Clayton. Lalu, Duo Danetri juga akan tampil di The Grand Atelier & Culture Center pada bulan berikutnya.

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